Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Happy Birthday Anne!

Friday, June 25, 2010
Flashback Friday: Coffee Maker Edition

I am not sure there are many kitchen gadgets that could elicit this sort of overjoyed response out of a groom-to-be. Sure, its a lovely Krups ten cup coffee maker with insulated carafe. But come on, really?
The lovely ladies at Walland United Methodist Church hosted a fabulous shower for us just a couple of months before our nuptials. I think over half of the congregation was in attendance. I got the chance to sit down with some amazing people who knew not just Little Rock and Big Rock, but Rocky the First too. I can only imagine what they really thought of this Yankee girl stealing one of their own to take him home to Washington, DC of all places. Yet, they graciously accepted me with open arms and plenty of appliances.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Minnesota Niiiice
My case seems to be a little different than most. When my parents semi-retired to Nashville, it felt like they were making me a new home. They were making it easier on me to be so far away from my family because maybe one day, I'd be there too. Life has served us all some suprises along the way and I don't think any of us imagined our path would look quite like it does today. So going "home" to Minnesota doesn't feel like home anymore. I can't curl up in my childhood bed. I can't ride my bike to the park. I can't hit up LeeAnn Chin as soon as my plane lands. Yet, I will always be a Minnesotan.
With that said, I am not sure I can quite do my weekend justice. I was busy, well entertained and very well fed! It took a village to get me around town, find a place to sleep and keep me busy. Although it didn't feel like home, it didn't feel like a stranger either.
The weekend just wouldn't have been nearly as much fun if it weren't for my cousin Casey. She did such a wonderful job shuttling me around town and making sure I could squeeze an entire Minnesota vacation into a 48 hour stop. Friday afternoon, her and my new cousin-in-law, Nick, picked me up at the airport and whisked me away to (Maple) G. Love for some special sauce (and waffle fries). We also managed to squeeze in pedicures, a trip to the outlets for tax free shopping and dinner on the Mississippi.
A highlite on my whirlwind weekend may have been a tour of Target Field. See, I leave for a couple years (ok, ten) and a lifelong staple of my childhood is no longer home of the Minnesota Twins. How dare they change things on me! Even more appaling, apparently Mauer and Morneau didn't read my letter requesting that they come home special just for me. At least we did get to tour it from the outside and I have to say it is one of the most amazing stadiums I have seen in a while. Much less commercial than most. Although some would argue it isn't a good thing, it looked more like a municipal building.
Saturday night my over-achieving friends continued to over-achieve, hosting one mighty successful 10 year reunion at Solera in downtown Minneapolis. For those of you keeping tally, I was not the only pregnant one there. However, I was the only pregnant lady without a date. Unfortunately, my dress didn't leave the question to debate.
In yet another wonderful turn of events, I got a chance to see Mary. Nothing says sisterly bonding like dining at the Mall of America, complete with faux thunderstorms to set the mood. It made me feel like maybe home is simply with your sister.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Half Baked!
I have lots to post about my Minnesota Nice weekend. Stay tuned!
Friday, June 18, 2010
Flashback Friday

TWIN DAY, a right of passage for all nerdy high schoolers on the Student Council. But I wasn’t a nerd, I was so cool I wore hot pink jelly shoes to match my styling daisy shift from Target. Sassy.
Welcome to the blog, High School BFF Annie! My twin all four years of high school spirit weeks. Here we are standing in the most significant of all backdrops, the locker room.

We had a lot of competition come the winter of 2000. We were still nerdy, but cool enough to know that Senior Art is where it was at (and an easy A!). Here we are sporting our Tina Turner inspired skirts, matching hoodies and provocatively posing in front of our work bins.
I am so excited to get back and see all the cool kids who decided to go to their 10 Year Reunion, not the least of which, Annie who is flying from LA because we are still that cool. But surely, I can’t be the only pregnant lady without a date, right?
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
I love this church.

It’s my kind of place.
We got sinners,
We got saints,
Chain prayers and snoozers,
We got yuppies,
We got old timers,
We got tourist church first timers.
And all the ladies dress up like movie stars.
Mmmm, I love this church.
All joking aside, St. Johns Lafayette Square Episcopal Church is one of the ways I was able to finally find myself at home in Washington. My former roommate, Whitley, talked me into trying an Episcopal church the first summer we moved here. It probably didn’t take much convincing after she admitted that every President since 1816 has attended at least once during his tenure. Last year, we even celebrated Easter service with the Obamas. It was a pretty incredible experience, despite the fact we almost didn’t make it in due to security.
I’ve been a faithful person since elementary school, attending mass regularly, weekly catechism class, and even church camp twice a year. However, it wasn’t until I came here that I can honestly say I had my first spiritual experience. I don’t entirely remember what prompted it, but I was suddenly so moved by the congregation and the music that I choked up. Embarrassingly, it has happened several times since then. I knew I was at home and this is where I belonged.
I think our Pastor, Reverend Luis Leon has a major part to do with this. He has some incredible life experiences, coming to the United States from Cuba as a child without his parents. Yet, somehow he found himself studying theology at Sewanee, University of the South. Yep, this guy is a Tennessean too. He is open and honest. Loves with an open heart and without judgment. He belongs on that pulpit. President George W. Bush thought so too (I never imagined he and I would ever have anything in common!). He said the opening prayer during Bush’s second inaugural in 2004. I was so proud sitting in the crowds freezing with my mom knowing he was up there, representing good old St. John’s.
As we are beginning to build our family, I am so looking forward to Rev. Leon baptizing my baby. St. John’s makes it such a special occasion. They perform the sacrament and then the babies are carried through the aisles as the congregation sings. It is so beautiful. And Rocky has even agreed to put our little linebacker (he’s already 11 ounces!) in an old-school baptismal gown. Now, can we get him in a bonnet too?
I like my pew.
I like my priest.
I like a guest speaker now and then.
But, I love this church.
It's my kind of place.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Before and After
Atticus a.k.a. Stinky, Stinks, or Bub, got a hair cut this weekend. I think you can see why:
A little bump update: I thought I had a bump then. 13 weeks-ish.
And this is the bump at 18 weeks 1 day. I can't believe I am posting this scary picture to the public (hi mom!) but somehow I convinced myself that I look more petite and not quite as bumpy first thing in the morning. Pregnant women will tell themselves anything.
And now, its time for the crowning glory of before and afters...the moment you all have been waiting for... the unveiling of the kitchen remodel before and after! [And the crowd goes wild!!]

A not so pesky fridge. It even has an ice maker! That's almost as exciting as a car with automatic windows. Almost.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Actually We Had a Nice Little Weekend Planned
-Frank the Tank Ricard, Old School
And it was even better than I could have hoped. It was a great weekend doing mundane married things like going to Home Depot for tomato plant cages, Target for a new hose, and having a bbq/doggy play date. But then some other big things happened.
Friday we learned this:

Hereinafter referred to as Baby Boy King, aka B.B. King because he doesn't have a name yet. When he does you won't be getting another surprise reveal until he's made his 4D appearance. So there!
So we are crazy excited/happy/overjoyed. Being the sensible folks that we are, decided to celebrate our unborn babe at a bar. We headed to Jackson 20 after dinner to cross off an item on our cradle list.

Saturday we decided to trade in my trusty Corolla because I learned that even these 5'8" giants that we are can't squeeze in both a carseat and our legs. It was a sad day.
This time our greatest sacrifice was the wrong color interior. I keep telling myself black will hide the projectile vomit and marker stains.
I'm a little bit spoiled. Just a little.
So we celebrated by taking a car ride and walking this guy on the Potomac. 1/2 a Cradle List Requirement marked off the list!
Vintage Atticus
We also managed to squeeze in a bit of registering. Rocky was thrilled.
It was a great weekend. Really. Truly. When we are THAT couple at Target with the screaming child I am going to look back on Memorial Day Weekend 2010 as a quitissentially fabulous weekend. When we were just a couple. With a dog. And a long list of errands.