Friday, August 30, 2013

Putting On My Big Girl Underpants

Have you noticed a chirp, chirp over here? Maybe if we're all quiet you can hear it. Oh! There it is, silence on the blog. You may have noticed over the past several months there hasn't been enough content in these here parts. It's hard to drum up content when you can't write about 90 percent of what is going on in your head. In my particular case it's 1) work (kind of need work, which means I can't talk about work) and 2) babies. We like babies and we want more babies. I have no more babies. Please send me babies (or just prayers if you don't have any babies to spare).

Now that we've gotten that out in the open, let's dwell on my little human who used to be a baby. This kid:

He's not a baby anymore. He wears a backpack.

Sure it's fifteen sizes too big and kicks himself in the knees when he wears it, but it has dinosaurs, not bunnies or silly monkeys, but big kid scary dinosaurs. Inside has a change of clothes and his homework (seriously, people, homework!). 
He likes to kick back and enjoy a program or two every now and again and sit like mommy. Yeah, his legs are two feet too short, but sitting with your feet dangling over the edge is for babies.
And then there is this little situation happening over here. 

Last Friday, I went to pick up B from school. From the door you have a direct view of the class bathroom. My kid was standing away from me with his pants around his ankles, his little dupa hanging out for the whole world to see. I burst out laughing and the teacher said "He's been there awhile." I went in to ask him how he was doing and he proceeded to tell me about his day at school, about his "friend" who flushed too much toilet paper down the toilet and they had to call a plummer. No big deal, just having a conversation without any pants.

Then Wednesday, Bennett decided he was over diapers. He only had an accident or two, both at home and at school, but all in all not bad for the first time he's ever worn big boy underpants. This early success had me a little concerned for our first trip in public without any ultra-absorbent backup protection. I told him he should pick out some extra pants "just in case." He picked out pajama pants. With firetrucks. He put them in my purse and said, "I'm ready." Ok kid, you're ready for growing up, but momma ain't. 

Heading off to work I noticed this morning that I had less room that I thought in my bag. I couldn't imagine a better reminder of why I am just so very very lucky to be this little boy's mother. I might be sad that we are saying good bye to diapers, but he's still a kid. A cute, innocent kid who thinks it's perfectly appropriate to wear firetruck pajamas in public.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

What We Learned: 34 Months

Bennett and I got to spend the day together, just the two of us a few weeks back. Being a working mom has made these days so precious, I try not to take them for granted by running errands and doing housework. Instead, we take spontaneous trips to the zoo and for ice cream and to the library. It's amazing how different it is these days than when I got to spend every day with him thirty-one months ago. As sad as it is to watch him grow, change and learn things, it's pretty amazing to have a tiny sidekick to make you laugh and keep you company.

Bennett learned to eat ice cream on a cone.

We learned that he likes cold things as much as he likes hot things.

Bennett learned elephants have tusks.

We learned to tune out the Jungle Book soundtrack on continuous repeat.

Bennett learned that a soundtrack is required for bath time, dinnertime, the commute to school, the commute to church and the commute upstairs.

We learned Bennett likes to sleep in on school days, but not on the weekends.

Bennett learned to use the potty.

We learned he's better at mastering his skills while he's sleeping than when he is awake.

Bennett learned that m&m's are pretty good incentive.

We learned that he likes to eat every blue one, then every red one and that brown is preferable to green or orange.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

My Present from Bennett

Many children draw a picture, pick a flower or sleep late for their parent's birthday, or at least that is part of the fantasy I imagined prior to birthing my barnacle. It seems that my history of of birthdays not living up my hype extends into my years of parenthood.

It wasn't just that Bennett didn't do those things, it's what he did do. He gave me a scratched cornea the size of Michigan. At least that's what the physician at urgent care informed me on my birthday no less.

Picture it, bath time, the eve of my thirty-first birthday, Nashville, Tennessee. My child and I are pouring water into cups, pretending to row a boat with our kitchen spatulas, singing songs and being silly. When out of nowhere, the little monster  my darling munchkin turned around and swatted me directly in m eye. I'm sure he was gesticulating like he learned from his father and his mother. It was possibly the most painful thing that's happened to me in my short thirty-one years.

Five days, three doctors visits and two cancelled birthday celebrations later, I can now open my right eye. But my poor mom is still driving me to work and I hope to be fully recovered sometime next week. If it wasn't for funny friends and photoshop this whole experience would have been much more traumatic.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Flashback Friday: Big Kid Games

For anyone that has traveled with me or was stupid enough to host me in their home, they know that I'm not very good at doing nothing when on vacation. So, when Rocky and I went on our honeymoon to Jamaica (over six years ago!), I made him climb waterfalls, rent boats, learn to roll cigars and yes, even play board games. 

A few weeks ago, I felt the urge to spruce up our nest and pulled this photo from our archives and put it in a frame. There are so many happy memories associated with this mugshot of my new husband that it received a place of prominence in the living room. My quick witted son noticed the switcheroo and didn't mention the stogie or the cerverza but zeroed in on the board game, prompting numerous questions.

I promised him I would show him the big kid game one day and he nagged me until I eventually relented. I pulled it out, and used it as an opportunity to learn my kid some letters. While it was shocking just how many he already knew, it was just as surprising to see what he thought was missing, Dad. 

It was fun watching him show off his skills, but it was even more fun to win for a change. Just kidding, I always win. 

Friday, August 2, 2013

Flashback Friday: My Banshee Alien Munchkin

I woke up this morning yearning for that little feeling you have when you hold a pint-sized munchkin on your chest. I miss that sense of completeness when you hold a sweet, snuggly baby. He sleeps so deeply you can spend all afternoon leaning over to smell his newborn head.
Just 2.5 years later, you are left with this:
You ask to take his picture and he mocks you with this cheeseface. He won't sit still long enough to smell his mane and you probably don't want to because he's sweaty from playing outside. At least these days he can hold up his head and can tell you exactly why he's screaming like a banshee. That, and I'm not holding him on my chest at midnight, 2:30 and 5:00 am.
I stumbled across this video today that reminded me of that snuggly baby on the chest phase. It was  also a good reminder of those first few weeks when you feel like you gave birth to a tiny alien.
Also, praise the Lord Bennett didn't walk that early. We all would have been in deep trouble.

PS, What we learned 33 months is still coming. I'm just lazy. Note to future self, yes you cheated and posted it on the correct day despite your slacker tendencies.