But I had a very good excuse. My dad has been visiting for the past few days. I’ve been busy stressing over what restaurants to try that don’t have a $16 macaroni and cheese anywhere on the menu, while he’s been walking my dog and cleaning my bathroom. Which makes me think I might have to rename the blog, Shrimp and the Spoiled King.
We saw Stephen Strasburg strike out 9 batters in 6 innings. Yet, why do all these youngsters disrespect the hat and leave the brim like that? Sure you are destined for the Hall of Fame, but you are going to look back at your Rookie baseball card and realize you were a chump.
Then, we hit a few buckets of golf balls at Top Golf. Ok, not me, I swung an expensive golf club and still couldn’t hit the thing. Defective tee or can I blame poor choice in footwear?
Rocky, Dad and I visited the Newseum and saw a section of the Berlin Wall, Daniel Pearl’s laptop, Tim Russert’s office, and Elvis’s belt buckle for the second time. First time here:
We’ve had a great time using my pregnancy appetite to try new restaurants and eat our way through Washington.
The winners: Sunday Gravy at Potenza, Irish nachos at Sine, Pepperoni Pizza at the Italian Store, Mike’s and Young Chow. We are still on the hunt for some authentic Minnesota style Chow Mein. Tennessee, Virginia and DC all lack the chicken-celery-dark sauce goodness my family craves.
I think the failure to procure some quality authentic Minnesota style Chow Mein may have placed this trip in the “Coulda Been Better” camp, but I’ll blame it on the stifling 100 degree heat. It's always sad to see family leave and it makes me wish someday we won't have to say goodbye for so long.
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