I haven’t always believed I was one of the lucky ones. I tore my ACL dancing, both straps broke on my prom dress before we even took pictures and I was sent to detention for two days for throwing popcorn chicken in the lunch room when the freshman boys obviously started it. But this time the stars aligned and I was blessed with one spectacular weekend, reminding me that regardless of weak knees, wardrobe malfunctions and ornery assistant principals I am one lucky girl.
This past weekend, three of my college roommates and my mom came to town to celebrate B.B. King’s official Virginia shower. It was like a giant slumber party all weekend with some of my very favorite people there to eat, drink and be very merry.
Me and Mee-Maw (Unless someone can come up with a better name for the future grandma? Honestly, not sure there is one.)
The suitemates: Melissa in Spirit, Aubrey, Me, Chandni, Martha in Spirit, Sarah

The beautiful cake, Mini-Martha's, no?
Photographic proof that I am very spoiled, and still, no cankles!
This past weekend, three of my college roommates and my mom came to town to celebrate B.B. King’s official Virginia shower. It was like a giant slumber party all weekend with some of my very favorite people there to eat, drink and be very merry.
Saturday was the big shindig hosted by Sarah, Chandni and my friends from my Williams-Sonoma days, Michelle, Karlena and Kate. Everything was simply flawless from the centerpieces to the french toast, to the favors all honoring the newest King.
The Martha Stewart's in Training, Michelle, Kate and Karlena.
Perhaps the best part of the day was looking around at my guests and knowing how truly lucky I am to have made such amazing friendships. People traveled hundreds of miles to celebrate B.B. and I can also say that I have a strong circle of friends from work, church and husbands.
Such a supportive group of friends, they don't mind posing for B.B. King pictures!
The weather was perfect. The food was divine. Planes, trains and automobiles all cooperated in a timely fashion. Atticus didn’t run off with anyone’s underwear. I really couldn’t have asked for a better weekend. It was such a lovely reminder of just how lucky I am to have been able to find such thoughtful, caring, smart and funny people in my life.
AW! I'm glad it was a great weekend. You are the cutest darn pregnant woman ever! Thanks for finally posting some belly shots. :)