Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I think someone important reads our blog

With the belly pictures, dog stories and bad hair posts, who wouldn’t, right? But last night on How I Met Your Mother, Marshall and Lily start contemplating their cradle list. They even called it a cradle list. Rocky and I just looked at each other with dropped jaws. So either this blog has made it big, or I’m not as smart and clever as I thought. But our list so beats their list. I already know how to ski and we've already done Paris. So there!

Rocky and I are getting ridiculously close to crossing off the last remaining items from The List. Saturday night we made a huge dent on the leftovers. We went for a progressive dinner approach to three of the restaurants that remained. This allowed us to: 1)spend more money on itsy bitsy baby socks rather than itsy bitsy portions; 2)keep Saturday nights free to watch more college football; 3)limit the number of nights I stay up past my new bedtime to a minimum.

Appetizers: 2941, Falls Church VA

The chef opened a chichi restaurant in an office building of all places after he left Café Boulud in NYC. As we pulled in, Rocky saw a wedding party congregating on the driveway and immediately thought we were a little under dressed. Thank goodness I saw the bride, or we would have high-tailed it out of there before we stuffed our faces with garlic popcorn, chestnut ravioli, and a fig-mascarpone-endive salad (If I was a judge on Top Chef, I'd let him know it was a beautiful presentation, but it needed some salt).

Pizza: Liberty Tavern, Arlington VA

We enjoyed a lovely lamb meatball pizza with fennel and roasted cherry tomatoes. Before B.B. King was B.B., we called him pecorino. Seeing that the pizza was covered in the fine italian cheese sealed the deal. The bar provided a lovely perch to people watch, catch Vanderbilt football on tv, and judge all the hoochy mamas trying to pick up middle-aged men. Very romantic.

Dessert: Corduroy, Washington DC

Rocky and I ate here the night we got engaged. They have since moved to a snazzier residence in a more umm, transitional neighborhood. It didn’t have the same je ne sai quoi of the old Sheraton Hotel, but I suppose some may appreciate the cozy row house decor (this is where Rocky would criticize me for my aversion to change). We reminisced about the night I knew I was going to get a ring, all the while making Rocky painfully uncomfortable as I tried to talk him into making plans for after dinner. I enjoyed a lovely chocolate sabayon and we called it a night.

Besides being 1/2 Minnesotan and executing a Cradle List, the Kings, like the Eriksens also love our margaritas (when we are not busy incubating).

So do you think the Eriksens read Shrimp and Kings?

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