We were so lucky to find a great nanny in Virginia. She was a mother of four children and had watched our neighbors kids for years. Bennett blossomed in her care. He had been a crazy fussy newborn and within just a few weeks became an easy-going social baby. When we told her we were moving, she cried. I cried. I knew how difficult it would be to replace her.
Child care in Nashville is an entirely different ball game. Your choices are basically in-home day care with four to six other kids and the babysitter is paid peanuts or a nanny with a price tag equivalent to in-state tuition. Anytime I inquired about nanny shares with other mothers or even nanny placement companies they looked at me like I had two heads.
Thankfully, day care centers are a different ball game too. We took a tour on Tuesday. It didn't smell like bleach or dirty diapers. Bennett sat down with one of the teachers and read books, studied the older kids intently and enjoyed the new toys. When we slipped out to finish our tour, he was too happy and distracted to care.
Those same anxious feelings I had when we started going to the nanny's are back. Now, he's bigger and stronger. But when I pick him up, he still can't tell me he bumped his head or another little boy was mean. I just have to go with my gut that this is the right thing to do.
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