Monday, January 6, 2014

Christmas 2013

I realize this post is a little late, but I finally had a minute to download photos while stuck at home with our first snow day of 2014. Of course, the snow required for a snow day is about as real as Santa. Therefore, I figure I remain relevant, even 11 days later. Without further adieu, my Christmas photo dump!

Our nine foot tree that required the emptying of our mad money fund and moving two pieces of very heavy furniture. Now that the tree is gone, we had to purchase new furniture because someone's patience does not allow for old furniture to be returned to it's rightful home. Got that? Post forthcoming. (Hope you can wait at least 11 days.)

Obligatory Christmas jammie picture.

A Cars umbrella! Everyone was surprised but me that this was such a hit.

About fourteen presents in, the child was still asking where the "monster truck with buttons was."


Bennett explaining where Santa, not the presents, come from.

He wasn't quite sure how Santa delivered a tent to his room while he was sleeping and not quite certain how it got down that chimney. But that present was money honey.

We did eventually put clothes on, pants even!

The grandparents arrived, showered the kid with even more presents and we ate some things. In true Bennett fashion the more ornate and the more raucous gifts were overlooked in light of a new collection of books. Even at three, it's becoming apparent that my child's desire for simple make-believe things will be snubbed in favor of the virtual and the violent. It's just my hope that the magic of it all keeps us all entertained and happy for another year or two.

The greatest gift of all this season and always is that precious boy and our little family.

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