It's hard to tell what might have made this three year old girl jump for joy. Perhaps I was being lured with promises of Cheez Its or greeted by Rainbow Bright herself. Maybe I just liked those fuzzy pink ribbons in my pigtails.
Today, it's no secret what is making me jump for joy. Yesterday, the final papers were signed on the sale of our house. We signed on the dotted line. The funds were transferred. The keys were handed over to the new owners. It's a wonderful exclamation point on the end of our time in Arlington. Sold!
Yet, it's still hard to close that chapter. I loved our little house.Everyone always remarked how much they liked our little porthole window, painted shut. Folks wondered what was behind that little door on the stairs,72 year old plumbing.
I'll never forget when Atticus jumped into the window seat, only to find the door open and he fell inside. We realized he had gotten stuck inside 10 minutes later, all alone.
Our fabulous kitchen. It wasn't our blood sweat and tears that went into the remodel, but we did have to survive eight weeks of construction and subsisted on pizzas during a blizzard.
The original tile floors in the bathroom. The original windows that depending on the day, wouldn't open. The fireplace with the flue that we could never quite figure out.
Goodbye little house!
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