Monday, May 14, 2012

Weekend Update

Friday night, my son rejected my home-cooked dinner and instead decided he wanted PB&J on a tortilla.  Mother of the year right here.
Saturday, we woke up early and participated in a Nashville tradition, overpacking for Steeplechase.  Yes, friends, this is just 1/2 of our food/tent/beverage/entertainment/furniture haul, for a 9 hour event.  Good thing we had two HOD majors, two music majors, two neuroscientists and a partridge in a pear tree all set and ready to get this show on the road.
Hadley had to downsize on the head gear.  There just wasn't room. 

Sunday we had brunch at a fancy downtown hotel.  My child looked dapper as ever in his seersucker and chocolate stains.  Guess who lovd the chocolate fountain?  Guess!

And a mother's day miracle, all three of us looking at the camera, and SMILING!

This was the first time I was able to celebrate mother's day with my own mum in ages.  This may not have happened since the last time I lived in Nashville, some oh I don't know, ten years ago?

As if tortillas and horses and chocolate fountains were not enough, Bennett was invited to his very first birthday party.  As opposed to his shindig, there was no crying.  And this time, he chose dessert over going outside.  Anyone that knows my child knows just how momentous this really is. 
But despite all the fancy celebrating, there were few more homegrown memories I'd like to keep in my pocket forever.

After the tortilla dinner on Friday, we baked cookies.  Bennett decided he was much more interested in playing with the melty chocolate chips than eating the chocolate chips.  He got a little carried away.  The night ended in giggles and baths and an extra load of laundry.

Not to be outdone by melty chocolate, my child proved once again that toys are for kids, random household items are for big boys.  He spent the weekend dancing on a giant piece of paper, coloring on a giant piece of paper, putting stickers on a giant piece of paper, carrying around a giant piece of paper, and finally, snuggling with a giant piece of paper.
Yep, definitely one of the best weekends. Ever.

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