Monday, July 8, 2013

Summer Bucket List

It's hard to come back from vacation, nevertheless two back to back vacations. You feel like the months of anticipation and excitement are over and you are never again going to have that kind of fun again. It's back to the daily grind, the drudgery of lunch making, folding laundry and late-night business meetings. To find my way out of this rut, I've made a list of things to look forward to and enjoy this summer. Because, if you have to have post-vacation blues, it might as well be summertime.

1. Tour the Southern Living Idea House. I'm up for multiple visits, who wants to come with me?

2. Discover the only beach in Nashville, Percy Warner Park Beach.

3. Nashville Farmers Market. More peaches.

4. Make salsa with Bennett. My kid has a thing for kitchen appliances. Making his own dip will blow this little boy's mind, but hopefully not his tongue.

5. Fill my house with fresh flowers.

6. Make ice cream. Again with the kitchen appliances.

7. Arrington Vineyards. We'll leave the barnacle at home to save our scalp.

8. The Munro exhibit at Cheekwood.

9. Listening to the frogs and watching the lightning bugs from our front porch.

10. Plan our next trip.