Thursday, November 22, 2012


It seems trite to write an annual thankful post when everyone else around the country is writing similar memes.  But when I am feeling burdened by the daily grind, it seems essential to remind myself that I have a lot to be thankful for not just today, but everyday.  How is that for trite?

I am thankful that this will be the first year I'll get to share one of my most favorite Thanksgiving traditions with my son, the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade! 

I am thankful for Bennett's growing vocabulary.  There was a time when I obsessed over his development, and now I am just grateful for every "it's mine," "no mommy," "I don't like dat," and "microwave."

I am thankful that Rocky and I have decent jobs.  Hopefully, next year I'll be able to say we have decent benefits too.

I am thankful that despite weeks long runny noses and coughs that won't go away, we're mostly healthy. 

I am so thankful for our home. It feels so good to give my child space to play, a yard to enjoy, and room to grow.

I am thankful for my parents.  They are so generous with their time, walking Atticus, picking up Bennett and giving us an afternoon off to be responsible or reckless.

I am so thankful for my in-laws.  They love me like a daughter and Bennett like a King.

I am so thankful for my friends.  They listen to my gripes, they understand my frustrations and they cheer for my minor victories, like my crafting.

I am so thankful for my husband.  Any man that can put up with my twelve-year old sweatpants is a keeper.

I am so thankful I still fit in my twelve-year old sweatpants.  I have a feeling I'll be needing them tonight.

Happy Thanksgiving y'all!

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