Friday, July 1, 2011

Flashback Friday: Seven Year Itch

Jefferson, Cherry Blossoms and Awkward Poses
After living here for seven years, this move is a bit bittersweet.  When I get emotional about the change, I have to remind myself of those things I will not miss.

Traffic.  It can be 4:00 on a Sunday afternoon and it will take you an hour to get home from the grocery store.  I could wax poetic about this gripe for years.  I have wasted entirely too much time sitting on the beltway, GW parkway, 66, 395, Glebe and Columbia Pike.  It’ll be so nice to be stuck in traffic in a new city, West End, 440, Hillsboro.
Memorial Day 2002
Parking.  Can you believe I have to pay to park at the shopping mall?  Worse, there are meters at the freaking grocery store.  I can’t wait to sneak my mommy car between the SUVs, and pick-up trucks in spots that don’t cost a penny. 
High cost of living.  Babysitters can make $20 an hour.  When you’re dining out you can spend $16 for a side of macaroni and cheese and $10 for a glass of house cabernet.  Gas costs an extra quarter when you cross the Potomac.  A half a million dollars will get you a quaint cottage in a transitional neighborhood in the ‘burbs. 
My First DC Roomie and My First Internship
Security scares.  Snipers, bomb threats, planes entering no fly zones, every siren makes you wonder if there isn’t something extra serious and extra scary heading our way.
Tourists.  They clog the streets.  They walk slow.  They get lost and stand at the top of the escalator, causing pedestrian-jams.  They stop in rush hour traffic to take a picture of the White House from their car window.  It’s hard to believe the next time I’m here, I’ll be one of them.
My Arlington Roomie--2004
Transients.  I can’t tell you how many friends I have had in the seven years I’ve been a resident up and move away.  They go back to school.  They get married.  They get a new job.  They move closer to family.  Oh wait…

And then there are those things we will miss.
Congressman Martin Olav Sabo and his Infamous Green Blazer--2007
Museums.  Restaurants.  Delivery.  Fresh seafood.  Direct flights.  Public Transportation.  Passing the White House on my way to work.  Guapos.  Our Church.  The Babysitter.  Our neighbors.  Afternoons at the vineyards.  Friends.  Friends who fix things.  Cupcakes with Amber.  Bobby.  Seven years of memories. 

I met Rocky here.  I started my career here.  We got engaged here.  We brought our first house here.  Bennett was born here.  I can't believe today I say goodbye.  It's sometimes been a love-hate relationship with this town.  I know that this place will always have a very special place in my heart and who knows, maybe one day we'll be back.  Maybe you'll be posing with your camera on my front lawn.

1 comment:

  1. It's a shame that the 4th of July picture doesn't have the audio of Tom yelling obscenities in the background. :) It was, in fact, a fabulous 4th.
