Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Because I'm having writer's block

Posting has been light lately, no?  I just can't think about anything lately beyond house projects and the summer vacations I am not taking.  So, to keep you up to date, a random list of bullet points, stream of consciousness style.

1. I really want to go to the beach.

2. My parents are going to Savannah next month and I am very jealous.

3. I miss going out to eat without the stress of a wiggly toddler.

4. I thought we were going to go see a movie together for the first time in two years.  It didn't happen.

5.  A few weeks ago we got ten hours of sleep on a Saturday.  That was the first time in two years.  It might have been better than a movie anyway.

6. I am contemplating buying cowboy boots.

7. Bennett is moving onto size 2T clothing.  Big kids wear size 2T clothing.

8. His favorite game involves spatulas, griddles and make believe pancakes.

9. I miss baking.

10. My wish list for the house grows daily.  It includes things like a new back splash and pedestal sinks and sod. 

11.  I mentioned to Rocky that our house needed a name.  We both suggested the same one without knowing what the other one was thinking.

11. I like that you read my dorky blog.

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